92614, US

AquFlow (formerly Hydroflo) manufactures premium quality chemical dosing pumps in a state of the art facility in Irvine, California. Originally founded in 1972 as Hydroflo it has established a reputation for making long lasting hydraulic diaphragm metering / dosing pumps for over 40 years. Flow Rates: 0 - 13,500 Liters / Hour Pressures: Up to 4,000 psi Material of Construction: 316 SS, Alloy 20, Hastelloy C, PVC, PVDF and PTFE
1642 McGaw Avenue
Irvine 92614, US
Irvine 92614, US
Tel.: 949-757-1753
Fax: 949-757-1687
Fax: 949-757-1687