Bath, GB

The Pumpshack Ltd
The Pumpshack was born out of a recognition of the value of second hand fluid handling equipment within industry. As a Buyer you are able to source worldwide Excess Stock, Reconditioned or Used pumps as well Accessories, Rare or Obsolete Spares and Service Kits. saving you money and valuable raw materials for future generations! As a Seller you are able to reach a worldwide market, advertising Pumps and Accessories you no longer require, giving the ideal opportunity to clear some of those pump graveyards which do accumulate on site and by doing so raise money for other projects! The Pumpshack protects both the Buyer and Seller by guaranteeing the sale is completed smoothly.
PO Box 4206
BA1 0HH Bath, GB
BA1 0HH Bath, GB
Tel.: 01225 690461
Fax: 01225 690461
Fax: 01225 690461