The main directions of the production are: 1. Mechanical seals for pumps and compressors; 2. Production of spare parts for the chemical, oil-processing, pharmaceutical and food industry; 3. Sealing profile materials from elastomers (NBR, VITON, SILICON, EPDM, PTFE, neoprene, etc.); 4. Graphite spare parts; 5. Metal and teflon compensators; 6. Thermodynamic and thermostatic condensate separators; 7. Repair of screw compressors.Main direction of NIKOM 65 Ltd. is the production of mechanical head seals, which are in essence highly reliable rotating sealing systems, applied throughout almost all cases of sealing technology. We have a large range of mechanical seals, ready for operation in extreme temperature/pressure/speed regions, which do not lose efficiency in any condition of the working environment (pure, contaminated with solid particles, chemically neutral or corrosive, abrasive, explosive, toxic, etc.).The company provides also custom and special design seals.The friction pairs are made from up-to-date sealing materials - rust proof materials with appropriately heat-treated surfaces, WC (sintered tungsten carbide), SIC (silicon carbide) and more than 18 grades of graphite.Up-to-date software is applied for calculation and design of the various mechanical seals. We have our own test section for checks and tests of the designed seals.
9023 Varna, BG
Fax: +359 52 504 705